Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Who are the Aztec; Insider on Culture and Way of Life

Language: The Aztec did not have a written language, but spoke Nahuatl. They did have written records, however. They chiefly used the method of direct representation and varieties of hieroglyphic paintings.
Idioma: Los aztecas no tenían un lenguaje escrito, sino que hablaba náhuatl. Ellos tenían registros escritos, sin embargo. Se utiliza principalmente el método de representación directa y las variedades de las pinturas jeroglíficas.
Best Known Features: In modern times, the Aztec are best known for human sacrifices. On special occasions, a slave was sacrificed. His flesh would be elaborately dressed and would be the center ornament of the banquet. Cannibalism was not a daily occurrence in the Aztec life, but it was common on special religious and social occasions. Human sacrifices were necessary to honor the gods and to perpetuate human existence. They believed that humans were responsible for the pleasure or displeasure of the gods and, therefore, they aimed to make sure that the deities were happy. Twenty to fifty thousand people were sacrificed yearly.
Características más conocida: En los tiempos modernos, los aztecas son conocidos por los sacrificios humanos. En ocasiones especiales, un esclavo era sacrificado. Su carne se elaboradamente vestidos y sería el centro de adorno del banquete. El canibalismo no era un hecho cotidiano en la vida azteca, sino que era común en especiales ocasiones religiosas y sociales. Los sacrificios humanos eran necesarios para honrar a los dioses y para perpetuar la existencia humana. Ellos creían que los humanos eran responsables por el placer o desagrado de los dioses y, por lo tanto, el objetivo de asegurarse de que las deidades eran felices. De veinte a cincuenta mil personas fueron sacrificados al año.

-Cynthia King-

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